Cucurbits and growth!
Cucurbits are a large family of plants that include anything melon-like. Cucumbers, gourds, pumpkins, watermelon, honeydew melon, and squash are all cucurbrits. I planted my cucubrits a little over a week ago and they're beginning to emerge from the ground. This marks the close to the end of the planting season for Cedar Crate Farm and I'll move onto some heavy weeding as some of the pictures will show. Enjoy the photos folks!
Lettuce mix, ignore the tall weeds to the left!
Beets have really come along!
Can't wait to start harvesting this cilantro.
Spinnach ready to be harvested.
Kale is coming along nicely.
Early sweet corn has fully recovered from frost.
When peas blossom you can estimate edible peas are 3 weeks away.
To the left is buckwheat, a cover crop that suppresses weeds and attracts pollinators. To the right is landscape fabric with spaghetti squash and honey dew melon planted.
Broccoli is looking good!

Baby honeydew melon.
Center: weeded green beans. Left and right: weeds!
Swiss chard.

Strawberries are getting close!